Reflexiones Journal ISSN Impreso: 1021-1209 ISSN electrónico: 1659-2859


About the Journal

About reception periods and periodicity

Semi-annual publication

  • First Period from January to July (will publish in the month of July)
  • Second Period from August to December (will publish in the month of December)

 Procedure for sending and evaluating articles

  1. Send the document for evaluation process through the journal portal platform.
  2. The articles received must be results of scientific research, original and unpublished
  3. At the time of submitting an article, the author will state in writing that the work is original, that it has not been published or sent simultaneously to another publication medium (letter of originality).
  4. Make a valuation request indicating:

- The nature of the article that is submitted for evaluation and area of ​​interest according to the Journal's policies (see the following section).

- Attach a brief curriculum vita of approximately 200 words, written in the form of a paragraph in which you indicate: name and surname of the author, and provide the digital identifier (ORCID), institution where you work, email, highest academic degree obtained and their respective discipline, main positions held and list of most recent publications and areas of interest.


Areas of interest for Reflexiones magazine:


Areas of interest                                            Subtopics

Social Communication                      

- Political communication and public opinion

- Organizational communication and public relations

- Digital communication and society

- Communicative citizenship, media and democracy

- Narratives and communication

- Comunication for the development


Social inequalities                              

- Disabilities

- Violence

- Economic inequality and poverty

- Elites and groups of economic power

- Racism

- Xenophobia

- Social exclusion


Genders, feminisms and diversities   

- Feminist epistemologies

- Sexual and gender identities

- Discrimination based on gender

- Sexism and gender gaps


History, historiography and historical memory

- Collective memories


Social science methodology

 - Action research processes

- Participatory methodologies

- Reflections on methodology in social research


Migrations, human mobility and border populations

 - Immigration policy

- Trajectories and movements

- Forced displacements

- Refuge and political asylum

- Cross-border dynamics

- Migrations and internal displacements


Social movements and political participation

- Political action repertoires

- Social protest

- Political art

- Organizational processes



 - Heritage policies

- Asset management

- Material heritage

- Intangible heritage


Native populations

- Indigenous villages

- Original towns

- Ethnicity and power


Power and political processes

- Public policies and State

- Civil society

- Political economy

- Political regimes and systems

- Electoral processes

- Human rights

- Social control

- Public space

- Citizen security


Society and Environment

 - Territorial planning and urban planning

- Cities and urbanization processes

- Rural spaces and rurality

- Socio-environmental and territorial conflicts

- Risk and disasters

- Tourism

- Nature conservation

- Global warming and climate change

- Natural commons and extractivism


Contemporary subjectivities

- Construction of subjectivities

- Culture and processes of subjectivation

- Identities

- Affections

- Corporalities


Science Technology and Society


Theory in Social Sciences


About the evaluation and publication process

  • Reception of a work does not imply any commitment to publication on the part of Reflexiones Magazine.
  • The documents are considered nominated from the date on which the author sends the complete application of his material, that is, when his application complies with all the guidelines specified on the journal's portal. Signing and sending the Letter of Originality of Conditions assumes that the applicant knows and accepts all the aforementioned guidelines. Until the complete application is received, no material will begin its editing process.
  • When a work includes figures and tables that are not the intellectual property of the author, an authorization for their use must be presented or the source from which it was taken must be indicated. In addition, Reflexiones Magazine will be authorized to take any additional measures it deems appropriate regarding the quality of the final version of the publication.
  • The articles resulting from final undergraduate or postgraduate graduation work must indicate this, as well as the name of the university that awarded the degree and indicate in which institutional repository the final document was included. It must be made explicit if it has not been deposited in any repository.
  • The articles will be reviewed and changes will be suggested that comply with the policies for the use of non-sexist language, established by the University of Costa Rica.
  • In the case it appears (images, graphs, photographs or maps) that are the intellectual property of the author, a letter is attached authorizing their use on the covers of the Magazine (OPTIONAL).
  • The articles will be considered in ordinary sessions of the Editorial Board according to their date of presentation by the authors.
  • The Editorial Board will carry out the prior review of the articles in accordance with the formal criteria, content, thematic relevance and compliance with the requested documentation.
  • New articles that do not comply with editorial standards may be corrected by notification from the magazine's editor. If errors persist in the presentation, the article will be rejected due to said non-compliance and cannot be submitted again.
  • The articles will be reviewed by internal and external peers, with the double blind modality (Evaluation form for the reviewer).
  • Depending on the results of the evaluation, the article will have two options:

- Accepted

-           Not accepted

In any of the above conditions, the following will be notified in writing, and the following will be sent to the author:

- Report non-acceptance.

- Inform acceptance.

In the event that there are formal observations, the author must submit the article within a period of no more than 15 days and complete the second review form in detail. If you do not meet this requirement, the article will be removed from the platform.

  • After verification, if the document is approved, it is sent to a professional proofreader to make the corresponding revision, which must be approved and included in the final document by the writer.
  • Under no circumstances will articles be accepted where the existence of a textual transcription of another work can be demonstrated, an action called plagiarism.
  • If the previous point is confirmed, the document will be immediately rejected by the Editorial Board, and if it is published, it will be removed from the journal's portal and international indexes, for which the journal will make a public retraction.
  • The condition of NOT ACCEPTED generates inhibition for its subsequent presentation as a new entry article.
  • The articles will be published as they satisfactorily complete the editorial process, so that they can be accessed before the complete publication of the corresponding issue.
  • The decisions of the Editorial Board are final.
  • The published version can be consulted on the Magazine's portal.
  • The document evaluation and publication process can take approximately six months. However, this period may be shorter or longer, depending on factors that may delay or accelerate the process.

Style rules:

  • Contributions will only be received in the Spanish language.
  • The text style must be sent in editable Word format compatible with Windows, Times New Roman font, font size 12, line spacing 1.5, letter size, and with a maximum length of 8,000 to 9,000 words. All pages must be numbered, at the top right, including the first page.
  • The full title of the work must have a maximum length of 12 words. It should be self-explanatory, concise, informative and without abbreviations. Use bold for titles and subtitles, aligned to the left. It does not close with a period. Upper and lower case letters should be used, rather than just capital letters.
  • The structured summary must be faithful to what was developed in the article and contain the following headings: introduction, main objective, method and technique, results and conclusion. Maximum length of 250 words. It should not include bibliographical citations, tables, numbers, references, or mathematical expressions.
  • Keywords should not be repeated in the title. Its purpose is to identify the theme; Five words must be included and can be compound. The first letter in capital letters, the rest in lower case, separated with a comma and in nominal construction (without verbs). It is recommended to review the UNESCO thesaurus:
  • The abstract is a faithful translation of the summary, and includes the title of the work and the keywords translated into English.
  • Titles must be typed according to the following styles:


                               Titles in first order

(Centered in bold with uppercase and lowercase as appropriate)


Second Order Titles

(Left-aligned in bold with capitalization and lowercase as appropriate)


            Third Order Titles

(Indented, bold, capitalized as appropriate)


            Fourth Order Titles

(Indented, bold, italicized, capitalized as appropriate)


            Fifth Order Titles

(Indented, italicized, capitalized as appropriate)


  • Figures include: images, graphs, photographs or maps, which must be of optimal quality and must be presented in .jpg. Likewise, they must be referenced in the text. The font and title must be editable. (Guide to figures and tables for authors). In the case of Costa Rica, all images are in the public domain when the author is more than 75 years old.
  • Tables include tables, which must be editable. Likewise, they must be referenced in the text. The font and title must be editable. (Guide to figures and tables for authors)
  • Bibliographic references must correspond in the text. Any statement expressed in the text as belonging to another person must have its correspondence in the bibliography.
  • You should not use specific word processor commands to list notes or bibliography. These sections must be included as part of the text.
  • References and textual citations must conform to the format of the Chicago Deusto Manual of Style. Failure to comply with the citation rules in accordance with the journal will jeopardize the publication of the manuscript.
  • All abbreviations will be described the first time they are mentioned.


Article structure

                                                  Title in Spanish

                                                    English title

Structured summary



Method and technique









Method and technique






In this section the methodology used must be noted and explained.





The results should be noted.


Acknowledgments (Optional)


Contribution of the authors

        In case of two or more researchers.


Financial support




Code of ethics and plagiarism system


Reflexiones magazine promotes the ethics and quality of the published articles. It has as a reference the code of conduct and good practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for editors of scientific journals. Ensures the quality of what is published, through protection and respect for the content of the articles, as well as their integrity.

The scientific relevance of the article, its originality, clarity and relevance are the criteria with which, in the double-blind modality, they are reviewed by national and international evaluators. This modality guarantees the confidentiality of the evaluation process, the anonymity of the authors and evaluators, the evaluated content and the reasoned report issued by the evaluators.

Reflexiones respects the integrity of works already published and therefore plagiarism is strictly prohibited. The Turnitin system detects textual copying in resources from the Internet and texts that are identified as plagiarism or whose content is fraudulent are not subject to evaluation.

Plagiarism is an infringement of copyright. The person who created a work, or who owns the corresponding rights, suffers damage from illegitimate copies. It occurs when ideas or words written by other people are taken without explicit recognition of having done so. Also when presenting a work partially or totally as one's own without being the author of said work.

If plagiarism is detected, the journal will act as quickly as possible to correct this situation: 1) articles in which plagiarism is detected will not be published; 2) if the article was published, the respective clarifications will be made; Public apologies will be offered and the internal process that the University of Costa Rica establishes for this type of situation will be followed in appropriate cases. In entities external to the UCR, a statement will be made informing of such situation.

Authors must guarantee that the article and the materials associated with it are original and do not infringe copyright. Acceptance of the Reflexiones rules contains respect for these rights.


Responsibilities of the editor and the Editorial Board

  • Promote clear publication rules, with the best standards and review methods by specialized and qualified peers.
  • Application of policies in a transparent, fair and impartial manner.
  • Ensure the detection of plagiarism and ethical irregularities.


Responsibilities of the author

  • You must ethically and responsibly contribute original, innovative, unpublished documents, so that the scientific community can be enriched.
  • At the time of submitting an article, the author will state in writing that the work is original, that it has not been published or sent simultaneously to another publication medium (letter of originality). If it is detected that the above is not met, the review or publication process of the corresponding text will be suspended.
  • Any previously published text in any language will be rejected.
  • You must clearly cite and reference any fragment that is taken from another person's work or from your own texts. This criterion includes due reference to the sources of data, figures and documents and failure to do so may be considered plagiarism, in which case the work will be discarded for publication.
  • Establish the credits corresponding to all the people who have collaborated in the research projects on which the article is based.
  • The use of unpublished materials, except those of the author, must have express authorization from the interested parties. The magazine reserves the right to request the corresponding authorizations from the author.
  • Avoid any reference to your identity in the text given that the academic opinion process is based on double-blind arbitration.
  • Assume responsibility for the text that is published.


Responsibilities of the evaluator

  • Accept those texts about which you have competence, experience and knowledge.
  • Carry out the evaluation according to the time assigned by the magazine.
  • Communicate, in the shortest possible time, any difficulty in completing the assigned task.
  • Inform the editor about possible plagiarism or anomalies in the assigned article.
  • Provide sufficient reasons to support non-acceptance, according to the form offered by the magazine.
  • Guide authors to improve the text submitted to the magazine.
  • Avoid any conflict of interest that you identify in reference to the text.


Digital preservation policy

Reflexiones Magazine uses the following digital preservation systems:

  • Articles are stored in pdf format. on the server of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Costa Rica.
  • Documents and articles are backed up twice a year on the hard drive of the Dean of Social Sciences, University of Costa Rica, which is kept under lock and key with controlled access.
  • The digital support provided by the institutional repository of the University of Costa Rica.
  • The LOCKSS system is used as a means to create an archive that is distributed among the associated libraries, which create a backup that allows the articles to be harvested in case their restoration is necessary.
  • The LOCKSS system, created by Stanford University, is used to create an archive distributed among participating libraries. The system allows these libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes.
  • Belongs to the PKP Preservation Network, which provides preservation for any journal in OJS.
  • Legal Deposit is made in the National Library System (SINABI), Costa Rica.


Open access policy

Reflexiones publishes, disseminates and promotes work with the philosophy of Open Access, since democratization and access to information is the fundamental basis of its work. Therefore, the Journal and each of the articles are licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 DEED (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International), which allows third parties to use what is published as long as they mention the authorship of the work and the first publication. in this magazine.

In addition, the authors retain their moral rights over the publication and give authorization in the patrimonial rights mentioned in the Letter of Originality. They may also make other independent and additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the article published in this journal (e.g., inclusion in an institutional repository or publication in a book) provided that they clearly indicate that the work was first published in this journal.

The authors do not assume any cost for the reception, procedures or publication of their article, in turn they can distribute, download, and store the article for free.

This policy is established in accordance with Law 6638 on Copyright and Related Rights of the Republic of Costa Rica.

Posting your work on the Internet (for example, on institutional or personal pages) after it is published is permitted and recommended, as it can lead to productive exchanges and greater and faster dissemination of the published work.


Download statistics in Redalyc

The download statistics of the magazine in REDALYC can be seen here.



Vice President of Research, University of Costa Rica, project No. 210-A1-737.



The opinions and facts stated in each article are the exclusive responsibility of the authors.


Errata and refractions

  • In case of errors, the original document will be maintained and at the end of the text it will be reported that there was a correction and the errata document will be referred to.
  • In case of retraction, the original document is replaced by a new text indicating that it was withdrawn and is referred to the retraction document.