Reflexiones Journal ISSN Impreso: 1021-1209 ISSN electrónico: 1659-2859


Authors’ Checklist

In order to verify that all the guidelines corresponding to Reflexiones’ publication rules have been fulfilled, we provide the following checklist.


  • Articles obtained from research studies
  • Articles derived from the analysis of research studies

Reflexiones Journal areas of interest:

 General considerations

  • The shipping file is in Word format
  • The originality letter is attached and signed by the author(s)
  • The evaluation request letter is attached and signed by the corresponding person
  • The submitted document has been seen and approved by all the authors
  • All the authors agree with the order in which their names in the signatures appear
  • The Inclusive Language manuals were consulted
  • The names of the authors of the article’s body have been eliminated, so that the confidentiality of the evaluation process is guaranteed.
  • Each author is identified with his or her ORCID code
  • Additional credits (optional) must be placed before references
  • It is acknowledged if the work belongs to a project and the financial aid received
  • Latin quotation marks are used « » (with alt + 174 for opening and alt + 175 for closing)


  • Full text in flat format with Times New Roman 12 and the margins of the document of 2.5 cm, with line spacing of 1.5
  • 8,000 to 9,000 words in length, including title, abstract, keywords (Spanish and English), footnotes, references, figures, and tables.


  • Title in Spanish and English is included (12 words maximum).
  • The two versions of the title are concise, informative, and collect as many identifying terms as possible.
  • The title is not entirely capitalized

 Abstract and Resumen:

  • Abstract in Spanish (Resumen) and English (250 words maximum).
  • It does not contain references or abbreviations/acronyms without definition
  • The structured abstract must be faithful to what was developed in the article and contain the following headings: introduction, main objective, methods, results, and conclusion.
  • It should not include references, tables, numbers, references, or mathematical expressions.
  • It is presented without epigraphs.
  • The two versions contain the following: justification of the subject, objectives, type of research, study methodology, results and conclusions

 Keywords and Palabras clave :

  • Five key or compound words in Spanish and English, alphabetically arranged
  • They all are nominals (without verbs), correctly capitalized, and separated by commas
  • They are the most significant terms and were checked with a thesaurus, such as UNESCO:


  • According to the Journal’s guideline, the references comply with the Chicago Deusto Style Manual: author-year system
  • They are alphabetically arranged
  • All the sources cited within the text are included in the references section
  • Todas las referencias están citadas en el cuerpo del manuscrito.
  • DOIs have been included in all the references, with the following format:
  • All the web addresses in the references have been shortened with Google URL Shortener


  • They are based on the results and are presented in a summary


  • The figures are cited within the article
  • The corresponding title and source are included in the lower part of it
  • They appear sequentially
  • It is being sent in JPG or PNG format, in high resolution in 300PPP minimum
  • The figures must be originals, otherwise it is necessary to present the authorizations for the corresponding use


  • The tables are cited within the article
  • The corresponding title is included in the upper part of the table and the source in the lower part of it
  • The table was prepared in a text editor and not as an image, so its content is editable
  • The tables must be originals, otherwise it is necessary to present the authorizations for the corresponding use

 Abbreviations and acronyms:

  • The first time they appear in the text they must be accompanied by an explanation of their meaning. For example: University of Costa Rica (UCR).


  • The contribution of each author is indicated at the end of the article.