Reflexiones Journal ISSN Impreso: 1021-1209 ISSN electrónico: 1659-2859

Intersubjectivity as an epistemic basis of technical-scientific disciplines
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How to Cite

Garro Mena, L., Calderón Castro, J. A., & Láscarez Smith, D. (2018). Intersubjectivity as an epistemic basis of technical-scientific disciplines: Intersubjectivity as an epistemic basis of technical-scientific disciplines. Reflexiones Journal, 98(1), 61–74.


This article reflects on the epistemic and methodological value of social intersubjectivity as the basis of any pretense of objectivity for academic-community projects with techno-scientific or engineering orientations. From a critique of the typical colonial relations between the academic world and the community, the idea of social intersubjectivity is integrated with the technological-scientific development, concluding that intersubjectivity can be used as a basis in a modified engineering design process that starts with a learning stage. The reflection is based on the experience of two years of interdisciplinary work between natural sciences and social sciences in coastal communities, in which wastewater treatment technologies were built through action research.
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