Reflexiones Journal ISSN Impreso: 1021-1209 ISSN electrónico: 1659-2859

Why interaction? A Reconstruction of Erving Goffman´s Early Works
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Social order
Social theory
Orden social
Teoría sociológica

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Gonnet, J. P. (2019). Why interaction? A Reconstruction of Erving Goffman´s Early Works. Reflexiones Journal, 99(1).


The purpose of this article is to reconstruct the path that led Erving Goffman to the delimitation of interaction as a problematic field to sociology and from this, to the acknowledgement of a social order that would be constitutive to it. In this way, we analyze the essays and articles that are previous to The presentation of self in the everyday life. From our perspective, the theory of interaction presented in this first author´s book appears as a conceptual answer to a set of problems that were defined in previous researches. The goal of this paper is to organize and systematize these preliminary approximations. Throughout this reconstruction it will be noticeable that the exploration of interaction does not constitute an end in itself for the goffmanian project, but it represents a central contribution to a general theory of society and of social order.
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