Reflexiones Journal ISSN Impreso: 1021-1209 ISSN electrónico: 1659-2859


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Aboust us?

Reflexiones is a multidisciplinary Journal of the Faculty of Social Sciences edited by the University of Costa Rica, with a semiannual periodicity and continuous publication (january-june and july-december), and summons to the academic reflection on the world social reality and in particular, the one of Latin America. It constitutes a space for the production of knowledge that contributes in the field of Social Sciences. The articles it publishes are theoretically and methodologically grounded and are the product of research and academic work. The target audience is comprised of teachers, researchers and student community on a national and international level.

Reflexiones seeks to follow the highest standards of scientific publications and this ensures the quality of the articles it publishes. This has allowed it to be recognized as a prestigious, exchange and innovative magazine, since its edition is in a constant interactive process.

Reflexiones publishes, disseminates and encourages scientific and academic work with the Open Access rights, since democratization and access to information is the fundamental basis of its work. Therefore, the Journal and each of the articles are licensed by Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), so that the authors do not assume any costs for processing or sending articles, so anyone can distribute, download and store the articles for free.

Reflexiones is part of the official journals of the University of Costa Rica and, due to its scientific requirements, is included in:

Índices: UCRIndex, SciELO, Redalyc, ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences),  International Bibliography of Social Sciences (IBSS), InfoBase Index, I2OR, Publindex, ResearchBib Journal, Citefactor

Catálogos: Latindex, IRESIE, SHERPA/RoMEO, REDIB, DIALNET, REBIUN (Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias), CLASE, PERIODICA, SERIUNAM, Journals for Free, JournalTOCs, BASE, LatinREV, Scientific Indexing Services (SIS)

Directorios: DOAJMIAR, ROAD, Open Science Directory    

Repositorios: Repositorio Kérwá, Repositorio Nacional Kímuk

Bibliotecas Virtuales: CLACSO, Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de CLACSO

Portales: Portal de revistas académicas, Universidad de Costa Rica, Portal de Portales Latindex (PPL), Portal CLACSO.Redalyc, Portal Biblat

Reflexiones has an Editorial Board that is made up of scholars that represent the different academic units of the Faculty of Social Sciences and foreign universities, who are selected for their academic merits and scientific prestige. The Editorial Board analizes the relevance of articles presented according to their nature, and acts for a continuous improvement of the Journal as well. For each proposed article the Board seeks for the best evaluators as possible.

In addition, there is an Editorial Committee composed of people from different latitudes, experts or specialists in specific topics addressed by the Journal, whose role is to supervise the editorial content and the development of the Journal in specific issues. Likewise, this Committee seeks to obtain collaborations of potential authors and eventually evaluate the articles of its field.