Revista de Ciencias Sociales ISSN Impreso: 0482-5276 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2601

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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article is unpublished, that is, it has not been published in other print or digital media. Attach an authorization letter, in which the originality of the article and the correct citation are indicated.
  • The article has a summary of six lines in Spanish and English. It includes five keywords in Spanish and English according to the OECD, UNESCO or ILO thesauri.
  • A six-line curriculum (nationality, academic degree, institutional affiliation, places where he worked, recent publications, topics of interest).
  • The citation of the bibliography is carried out according to the APA Style Manual in its seven edition. Submit the bibliography in alphabetical order. Check link:
  • The figures and tables have their full title (fact or information presented, country, period of time). Likewise, they are accompanied by their respective source. In the case of photographs with people in the foreground, they must come with an authorization signed by the person.
  • The articles will be reviewed by academic peers, so they will be evaluated by specialists in content and form for evaluation. Review the points that will be evaluated according to the rules of the Journal (link:

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