Rodrigo Facio was the star figure and the main ideologist of the National Constituent Assembly of 1949. The Democratic state and the law social conceived in the Constitution that governs us is the result, primarily, of his political ideas and struggles in the Constituent Assembly. I say with emphasis, today, when the fashion of our political leaders is to renege about the ideology and say that is of center, although it leads, nothing more, that to the political, economic and social stalemate in the country.
Rodrigo Facio´s thought has a particular actuality at a time when the Costa Rican democracy, as O’ Donnell would say, it hasn’t a good performance. The general opinion is that the last governments, dominated by personalism and gocentrism, have lost their way, they are not solved basic issues of the development such as the poverty and the social inequality; they neither have faced, with courage and wit, to the problem related to insecurity, product of the common crime and the money laundering, drug trafficking and contract killings.