Climate change (cc) has become, in a certain way, in the alarm and emergence of
multidimensional proportions that concerns to global agencies, governments, companies and whole societies in the sole purpose of temper the devastating effects of this and of a rampant world-consumption in unsustainable terms. Under those circumstances, the study aims to reanalyze the importance of Environmental Education (ea) and Sustainable Development (ds) in times of climatic imbalances and f planetary emergency. Thus, accentuate and crystallize these alternations in the educational systems implies, from the start, to denote an ea that builds an ecological wareness in citizens of the different coordinates of the planet. As also, a ds that accepts the differentiated problems and vectors remarked in the Agenda 2030, which simultaneously, reconfigure the stereotypes of consumption and economic development in search of the balance between nature and the human species, especially, to re-connect to the latter, with the first.