This study seeks to analyze the benefits perceived by parents of the participation of their children in a Forest School program in the city of Concepción, Chile. Forest School programs are characterized by regular sessions in natural areas based on the interests of the participating children. A case study analysis with a mixed approach, with a sample of 29 participants, was used. Five open-ended questions were used to explore the perceived benefits attributed to them, and a 22-item Likert-type satisfaction survey on specific benefits and methodological elements. The analysis involved deductive coding of the open-ended responses and the use of descriptive statistics for the satisfaction survey results. Parents value the program for its benefits in connection with nature, development of social-emotional skills, improvements in well-being and autonomy. They attribute these results to the contact with nature, the methodologies focused on children's interests and the affective climate that is generated. Forest School programs can be an alternative to the need for a more positive link with the environment and the promotion of a healthier childhood.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Felipe Andrés Moraga-Villablanca, Hanne Ulbricht, Mariel Ivonne Torres-Fierro, Matías Cristian Zamorano-Veragua