Project: “Educational Campaign to increase bean consumption”.


  • Ligia Rodríguez Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Nutrición, Investigadora principal del “Proyecto Campaña Educativa para Incrementar el Consumo de Frijoles”



nutritional education, beans, campaign, target group.


The different stages in the development of a

project entitled “Educational Campaign to increase bean

consumption” are presented in this article. The Campaign’s

objective was to “Increase bean consumption in the Costa

Rican middle-class urban population”, and to help

counterbalance an increasing reduction in consumption of

this food, particularly in urban areas. The article intends to

provide an overall view of the project, allowing readers to

gain perspective of the project as a whole, while also

referring them to specific articles with the details on the

different stages and results. The methodology describes the

general characteristics of the approach used, and the way

each one of the phases was carried out. The results

summarize the findings of the final evaluation and other

global aspects of the project. In addition, the project provides

guidelines for an approach to nutritional education focused

on one single food, supported by the population’s sociocultural



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How to Cite

Rodríguez, L. (2004). Project: “Educational Campaign to increase bean consumption”. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 15(3), 245–261.