Communication plan: a good instrument for a successful campaign.


  • Paola Páez Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Nutrición
  • Ligia Rodríguez Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Nutrición, Investigadora principal del “Proyecto Campaña Educativa para incrementar el consumo de frijoles”



Campaign, beans, messages, communication plan.


The methodology used to design a

communication plan for a Campaign to increase bean

consumption in a Costa Rican urban community is described

in this article. Results of an initial assessment, complemented

with behavior tests, were the input used to obtain the

preliminary information necessary to generate main ideas for

the messages to be disseminated throughout the population.

The communication plan (Version I) was designed based on

this information and on conditions previously established by

the Project. On the other hand, the contents for messages

were drawn up, tested, and integrated into the plan, based on

the main ideas. Then, the final communication plan (Version

II) was the result of a group analysis. The process to design

the communication plan is described emphasizing on the

importance of team work and the direct knowledge of the

population under study. The communication plan is a

fundamental instrument to plan, implement, and evaluate the



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How to Cite

Páez, P., & Rodríguez, L. (2004). Communication plan: a good instrument for a successful campaign. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 15(3), 315–326.