Actualidades Investigativas en Educación ISSN electrónico: 1409-4703


About the Journal

The Journal Actualidades Investigativas en Educación (AIE), a four-monthly academic publication, edited at the University of Costa Rica (UCR) through the Instituto de Investigación en Educación (INIE), covers a wide range of topics, including all educational levels (preschool, primary, secondary and higher education), as well as formal and non-formal education. Among the topics covered are: educational research, educational strategies, educational inclusion, quality of education, right to education, access to education, interculturality, learning methods, educational technology, teacher training, among others.

he target population of the journal includes teachers, researchers, specialists in related fields, university students and the general public.

The journal Actualidades Investigativas en Educación is a free and open access electronic journal funded by the University of Costa Rica. The journal receives and publishes articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

The calls for papers are issued in March, June and October of each year during the second half of each of these months. Specifically, documents are received from March 16 to 30 for publication in the third issue of the year, from June 16 to 30 for publication in the first issue of the year, and from October 16 to 30 for publication in the second issue of each year.

The Journal Actualidades Investigativas en Educación (AIE) is made up of an Editorial Board composed of five people belonging to INIE and approximately twenty-one specialists from outside the Institute, specifically foreigners. The Editorial Board is governed by internal regulations.

The Journal publishes scientific articles and essays, both of which must be the product of completed research that, in turn, presents a theoretically supported contribution. Such research may be written in Spanish, English or Portuguese. As of 2015, the Journal adopts a new methodology for the dissemination of the academic contributions received, which consists of publication after approval. The Editorial Management procedure is as follows and can be visualized in this flowchart:

  1. The receipt of articles will be carried out in the defined periods.
  2. Each document will be distributed in the corresponding numbers according to the date of receipt.
  3. The process starts with the peer review, followed by the due return and verification.
  4. The Editorial Committee approves the documents that have complied with the indicated stages.
  5. The approved papers will be published on the Journal's web page identified with a watermark indicating "Next issue".
  6. The documents will remain in this condition until the closing of the respective regular issue, at which time the water seal is removed and the final version is uploaded.

The purpose of this procedure is to streamline the processes so that the Journal's users receive updated information in a timely manner. Likewise, it is intended that the authors have an expeditious dissemination of their contributions, which is a benefit for them, given the purposes required by the educational academic community.

The reception of documents will be opened according to the internal planning of the editorial management and will be communicated by the corresponding means.

The Journal Actualidades Investigativas en Educación (AIE), uses the peer review system and also the double blind system for all the documents submitted (articles and scientific essays), which means that the author does not know the evaluator and vice versa. Therefore, reviewers external to the publishing entity are used. The following are the different stages of the process:

  • Every document received will have a preliminary review, in which it is established whether it complies with the minimum requirements for publication requested by the Journal, such as subject matter, length and structure. In addition, the papers will be analyzed to verify originality by means of the Turnitin software, which indicates the percentage of coincidence of the text with others found in its databases. This allows to verify any attempt of plagiarism or self-plagiarism.
  • The complete process from the reception of the document and the first evaluation by the persons in charge of the arbitration will take at least four months and six months from receipt of the document until publication. Once the document is reviewed, the following decisions will be made:
a) Approve its publication.
b) To publish if the recommendations are met.
c) Not to publish.
d) Suggest that it be sent to another publication source.
  • If one of the reviewers does not agree with the publication of the document, then the document may be reviewed by a third reviewer, who will decide whether or not to publish it.
  • The Editorial Committee reviews the proposed papers after the evaluation process and approves the publication. The final decision on whether to publish or reject the manuscript will always be the responsibility of the Editorial Committee of the Journal.
  • All authors are responsible for making changes and taking suggestions into consideration.
  • The aspects to be evaluated can be found in the evaluation forms for scientific articles and scientific essays. You can also consult the list of people who have collaborated with the Journal as national and international peers in the list of reviewers, by clicking here.

Any questions about this process, please write to:

The journal Actualidades Investigativas en Educación (AIE), a quarterly academic publication edited at the University of Costa Rica (UCR) through the Instituto de Investigación en Educación (INIE), is published every four months. As for the distribution of publications, the journal is published on January 1 (January - April), May 1 (May - August) and September 1 (September - December) of each year. Each issue is published in full with its own table of contents. The reception of documents will be opened according to the internal planning of the Editorial Management and will be communicated through the corresponding media (official website of the Journal, portal of the Instituto de Investigación en Educación, and social networks of the Journal).

AActualidades Investigativas en Educación does NOT make any charge related to the application, evaluation, publication or assignment of the Open Access licenes.

The journal Actualidades Investigativas en Educación makes available its Ethics Policy and Good Editorial Practices, and notifies that it uses Turnitin software to detect plagiarism in the submitted documents.

A review is made regarding the percentage of matches produced by the tool, corrections are requested in cases where the percentage of plagiarism is low. When the software sends a significant number of matches (more than 60%), immediate rejection occurs. In cases where plagiarism is evidenced, the manuscript is rejected by notifying the corresponding instances, then the procedures established by COPE are followed.

Although we receive articles derived from graduate work, we request that the wording be changed so that the coincidence percentage does not exceed the maximum percentage allowed by the journal.

Both aspects were approved by the Editorial Board and are based on the following documents:



  • Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing, from Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, 2015).
  • COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers, from Committee on Publication Ethics (2013).
  • Retraction Guidelines, from Committee on Publication Ethics (2009).
  • Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals, from International Committee Of Medical Journal Editors (2015).
  • Ethics in Research & Publication, Elsevier (2014).
  • Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, COPE (2011).
  • Ethics in scientific journals, Baiget (2010).



  • Law No. 6683 on Copyrights and Related Rights and its reforms in Law No. 7979, of the Republic of Costa Rica.
  • Regulations on Research, University of Costa Rica (2016).


To read the full Policy, click here

This journal belongs to the Instituto de Investigación en Educación (INIE), therefore, the only information that be published are announcements from this journal and INIE, or activities that INIE collaborate. This journal will not accept publicity, announcements or merchandising from another instance: editorial team will take the decision for publish the announcements.

Resultado de imagen para creative commons BY NC ND

All published articles and essays are protected by Creative Commons (CC) licenses, under the standard Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works - CC BY-NC-ND that constitute a complement to traditional copyright, in the following terms: first, no derivative work can be made, which means that the document cannot be altered, transformed or expanded; second, the authorship of the referenced document must always be acknowledged and, third, no article or essay published in the Revista ACTUALIDADES INVESTIGATIVAS EN EDUCACIÓN can have commercial purposes of any nature.

By means of these licenses, the journal guarantees the author that his/her work is legally protected, both under national and international legislation. For this reason, when it is demonstrated the alteration, modification or partial or total plagiarism of one of the publications of this Journal, the infraction will be submitted to international arbitration, since the publication norms of those who participate in the Journal and the Journal itself are being violated. In Costa Rica, the institution affiliated to Creative Commons for the verification in case of damages and for the protection of such products is the University of Costa Rica itself, at the Vice Rectory of Research.

The journal ACTUALIDADES INVESTIGATIVAS EN EDUCACIÓN publishes, disseminates and promotes work under the Open Access philosophy, where knowledge is free both in its dissemination and access. Image result for open access.

Resultado de imagen para open access


The journal, in accordance with the policies of the University of Costa Rica, seeks to promote the use of non-sexist language in scientific publications. For this reason, the journal requests those who submit papers for publication in the portal to use forms that include both women and men in their texts. The use of non-sexist language is not a binding criterion for rejection of the manuscript; however, applicants must abide by the recommendations that may arise during the editorial process of the manuscript to ensure that the text presents non-sexist language.

You may consult:

Brief guide for the non-sexist use of language (see here).

The publication has the digital support provided by the institutional repository of the University of Costa Rica.

The LOCKSS system is also used as a means to create an archive that is distributed among the associated libraries, which create a backup that allows articles to be harvested in case they need to be restored.

In turn, the articles are stored in the backup system of the Instituto de Investigaciones en Educación (INIE) of the University of Costa Rica.

Journal indexed in:

Our complete list of indexes, databases, catalogs, and other similar information systems in which Actualidades Investigativas en Educación is found is as follows:



REDALYC (Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal),

SCIELO - Costa Rica (Scientific Electronic Library Online) - SciELO is an electronic library that comprises a selected collection of Costa Rican scientific journals,

SciELO Citation Index (Index of Scielo articles within the Web of Science databases):

ERIH PLUS (European Index of Social Sciences and Humanities)

Magazine distributed in databases


LATINDEX (Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal)

E-REVISTAS (Plataforma Open Access de Revistas Científicas Electrónicas Españolas y Latinoamericanas), from the Centro de Información y Documentación Científica de España,

DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals )

IRESIE (Index of Journals of Higher Education and Educational Research)

CLASE (Database in the Social Sciences Area)

BIBLAT (Latin American Bibliography)

SHERPA/ROMEO, (Securing a Hybrid Environment for Research Preservation and Access), seeks self-archiving and copyright policies for scientific journals,

SHERPA/ROMEO(Securing a Hybrid Environment for Research Preservation and Access),

QUALIS-CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Brasil)

MIAR (Information Matrix for the Evaluation of Journals)

COPAC (Collective Catalog of British and Irish Libraries)

ZDB (Continuous Resource Catalogue of the Berlin State Library - Prussian Cultural Heritage and the German National Library)

DIALNET (Alerts Service and Virtual Newspaper Library of Spanish scientific journal summaries)

REDIB (Iberoamerican Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge)

BASE (Operated by Bielefeld University Library)

CIRC (Integrated Classification of Scientific Journals)

SUDOC (French University Documentation System Catalog)

OCLC World Cat(World bibliographic catalog)

Magazine registered in the directories


ULRICH' S (Global Serials Directory)

Directory of the REDIE (Electronic Journal of Educational Research)

MAESTROTECA, in the Directory of Educational Digital Publications,

RINACE (Ibero-American Network on Research on School Change and Effectiveness), in the section of full-text education journals

OEI (Organization of Ibero-American States), under Journal index,

COPAC (Brings together material from library catalogs in the United Kingdom and Ireland)

CLACSO (Network of Virtual Libraries of Social Sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean)

BUOFIND (Library of the University of Oviedo) https: //buo.


REBIUN (Collective Catalog of University Libraries)

ROAD (ISSN International Portal)



Journal harvested by repositories

Kérwá (University of Costa Rica Institutional Repository)

Kimuk (National Repository of Costa Rica)

Sicultura (Costa Rica Cultural Information System)

SIIDCA (Central American Repository)

La Referencia (Open Science Repository)

The Actualidades Investigativas en Educación journal makes available to its contributors the following tools that will serve to improve the quality of the writing of scientific articles:

Actualidades Investigativas en Educación Journal [Video History]