Actualidades Investigativas en Educación ISSN electrónico: 1409-4703

Universal design in the graphic interface of educational multimedia
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multimedia teaching
teaching method
teaching material
enseñanza multimedia
método de enseñanza
material didáctico
multimedia teaching
teaching method
teaching material

How to Cite

Delgado Vargas, J. D. (2017). Universal design in the graphic interface of educational multimedia. Actualidades Investigativas En Educación, 17(3).


The current essay has the main goal of presenting Universal Design applied to the graphical user interface of the educational multimedia resources developed under the concept of Virtual Laboratory, research project of Acuerdo de Mejoramiento Institucional (AMI), of Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED) of Costa Rica. For this purpose, different theories and concepts are introduced, along with reflexions about the contributions and experiences by Programa de Producción Electrónica Multimedial (PEM) in this field, as part of a review of their productive processes and deliver instructional resources in distance education. The design of the graphic interface implies assessing the need for Universal Design applied to the creation of teaching materials, with especial emphasis on those with digital output, since by their nature they involve the development of graphical environment that must be accessible, therefore, UNED must consider through the Dirección de Producción de Materiales Didácticos (DPMD) and their different instances proposals such as this, that shows the hard work and commitment by incorporating new design methodologies that contribute to the improvement of accessibility and the inclusion of their resources in distance education oriented materials.
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