Actualidades Investigativas en Educación ISSN electrónico: 1409-4703

Cultural tools and mental transformations: The technologies of information and communication in cultural-historical perspective
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cultural tools
mental transformations
herramientas culturales
transformaciones mentales

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Rodríguez Arocho, W. C. (2018). Cultural tools and mental transformations: The technologies of information and communication in cultural-historical perspective. Actualidades Investigativas En Educación, 18(2).


This essay aims to argue that the historical-cultural approach (CHA) is a useful conceptual tool to understand and explain some of the major mental transformations generated and driven by the creation and use of new information and communication technologies (ICT). In the elaboration of the argument I examine the central thesis of the CHA on the sociogenesis of the mind and its approach that the use of tools and symbols in human activity changes the nature of the same and gives way to transformations in mental functions. I will use research from cognitive archeology and cyberpsychology to exemplify the major transformations in the course of the evolutionary history of the species. From there, I will analyze the transformations that contemporary research in different disciplines has documented in ICT users. I will conclude with analysis of what these transformations imply for psychology and education,
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