Actualidades Investigativas en Educación ISSN electrónico: 1409-4703

University training and labor market access in Chile: Perceptions of psychologists graduated from universities with different levels of selectivity
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educación superior
educación y empleo
higher education
education and employment

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Espinoza Díaz, O., González Fiegehen, L., Sandoval Vásquez, L., Castillo Guajardo, D., & Neut Aguayo, P. (2018). University training and labor market access in Chile: Perceptions of psychologists graduated from universities with different levels of selectivity. Actualidades Investigativas En Educación, 18(3).


The article presents the results of a qualitative research that aimed to establish preliminary valuations granted by the graduates of the Psychology program from universities of different degrees of selectivity, to the fields of academic training received and their relationship with the insertion in the labor market. The work is part of a necessary evaluation of the degree of equity of the Chilean university system concerning to the results of the training process. From a qualitative perspective, and under the framework of an in-depth case study, graduates` perceptions were collected through six in-depth interviews conducted in 2015 with professionals graduated between 2011 and 2014. The sample of interviewees, of an intentional nature, was selected by combining criteria of type case, quotas, chain and voluntariness. The data was analyzed with the support of the Atlas Ti 8 software in order to identify categories and the relationships between them. The main conclusion is that both the academic training received and the process of insertion into the labor market is better valued by the graduates of the high selective university while the professionals graduated from the universities of medium and low selectivity weigh those aspects more critically. On the other hand, the more selective the university is, the higher the opportunities of the graduates in the labor world, a situation that reveals the presence of non-academic aspects that influence the labor insertion. This could be originating possible situations of inequity in the results of university training in Psychology programs.
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