Actualidades Investigativas en Educación ISSN electrónico: 1409-4703

A search of new practices around the use of Information and Communication Technologies: Beyond the digital ba-be-bi-bo-bu
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digital literacy
critical digital literacy
information technology
alfabetización digital crítica
tecnología de la información

How to Cite

Castillo Hellmund, M. (2019). A search of new practices around the use of Information and Communication Technologies: Beyond the digital ba-be-bi-bo-bu. Actualidades Investigativas En Educación, 19(1), 10.


The current paper is about the search for new practices around the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), actions that promote curiosity and awareness and, at the same time, provoke us as human beings and not only as users of the digital resources. The manuscript exposes an education project with the participation of children and adolescents from five districts of San Jose, Costa Rica. The project generated spaces for the promotion of technology culture. Among its main results, it is important to highlight the critical, meaningful and empowering use of technologies did by the participants in their communities. From its implementation, it is concluded that it is fundamental to promote digital literacy initiatives from critical perspectives, which always aspire to be practices of freedom, dialogue and solidarity. The paper has three sections: first, a brief introduction to the topic and the context where the initiative was led. Second, the presentation of the project, and finally, the main conclusions.
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