Actualidades Investigativas en Educación ISSN electrónico: 1409-4703

School stories and stories of students at the English Teaching Program: Love for teaching
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teacher education
english learning
formación docente
aprendizaje de inglés

How to Cite

Branda, S. A., & Porta, L. G. (2019). School stories and stories of students at the English Teaching Program: Love for teaching. Actualidades Investigativas En Educación, 19(3).


This article originates in the framework of a major research carried out by the Research Group in Education and Cultural Studies, National University of Mar del Plata and finished in 2017. Its main objective was: to interpret, from the school biographies of students of the English Teaching Program the teachings that left their marks and are present in the initial practices, more precisely at the time of carrying out their Teaching Residences II. To explore the traces of teachers in all their variety and complexity, we adopted an interpretative narrative perspective. We collected data using instruments that allowed us to approach the biography of the participants from different perspectives: biographical and focal interviews, ethnographic record, flash interviews and observations. In this way, the research conducted allowed us to know the teachings that left their mark and are present in pre-professional practices from intellect and affection allowing us to create two broad categories: love for teaching and pleasure for the English language. This time we will concentrate on the first one. The deepening lines that define this research tell us about the senses of experience in terms of the affective and intellectual attitudes recovered from the traces that give account of memories, desires and emotions that constitute teachers today. The results of this research can be transferred to different contexts of teacher education having a glocal scope collaborating in the construction of the professional profile of future teachers.
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