The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has had consequences in education, especially in teaching in higher education institutions (HEIs). In order to maintain education in Chile and avoid contagions, an emergency or unplanned remote teaching was chosen. In this modality, the students of the HEIs have had to carry out their educational tasks online and from their homes to maintain social distancing with the teaching and administrative staff and the rest of the student body, for which they have had to face new experiences. The objective of this research is to explore the main factors of student satisfaction and dissatisfaction in emergency remote teaching in 8 state and private HEIs in Chile. A qualitative methodology and the critical incident technique were used to analyze 14 semi-structured interviews of university students belonging to any of the analyzed HEIs. These interviews were carried out in March 2021 according to what happened in the academic period 2020. The results indicate seven categories that explain the satisfactory and unsatisfactory incidents: “teaching-learning”, “access to tangible resources”, “teacher”, “relationships social”, “support service”, “access to online service” and “value for money”. These provide new learning to the Chilean HEIs in this study, according to the unplanned teaching process that arises as a result of the health crisis, which is useful to consider during similar situations in the future. In addition, this research contributes to the literature on satisfaction and dissatisfaction of HEIs
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