This reflective essay is framed in a process of analysis of substantive aspects associated with Technical Vocational Education and Training, in particular, with the management of pedagogical and curricular actions that converge in the study plans and programs, which are oriented to the consolidation of updated, relevant and inclusive profiles. The manuscript arises as an assessment of otherness in educational spaces and the relevance of eliminating any barrier or limit, by recognizing that all people are the other and that the greatest richness of the learning process is in the interaction, exchange and encounter with diversity, as an essential element of current training practices. For this purpose, a review was made of the theoretical position of several authors, as well as an analysis of the various perspectives that make it possible to embrace otherness in a framework of respect, legitimacy and empathy, that is, to motivate the training to enable the consolidation of life skills, well-being and fulfillment of the students.The manuscript arises as an assessment of otherness in educational spaces and the relevance of eliminating any barrier or limit, by recognizing that all people are the other and that the greatest richness of the learning process is in the interaction, exchange and encounter with diversity, as an essential element of current training practices.
For this purpose, a review was made of the theoretical position of several authors, as well as an analysis of the various perspectives that make it possible to embrace otherness in a framework of respect, legitimacy and empathy, that is, to motivate the training to enable the consolidation of life skills, well-being and fulfillment of the students.
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