e-Ciencias de la Información ISSN electrónico: 1659-4142

OAI: https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/eciencias/oai
Digital Technology in Libraries in Paraguay
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Bibliotecas tecnológicas
Bibliotecas-Servicio Audiovisual
Technological Libraries
Audiovisual Service

How to Cite

Rosas de Maidana, M. T. (2013). Digital Technology in Libraries in Paraguay. E-Ciencias De La Información, 3(2), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.15517/eci.v3i2.10659


The motivation for this research work is to make delivery of the updated diagnostic study of the use of digital technology in libraries in Paraguay, taking as shows those that are located in the centers concerning education or headers, in the country called institutions center. Aiming at the investigative work on improving the availability and access to the information material for the benefit of the education and research. For the data collection uses the technique of observation and non-structured interview with the staff of the library, and to national benchmarks in technology development. Thus, the article presents the encroachment of technology, giving assessments in the national ICT concepts, digital divide and information literacy. To the knowledge that the libraries are centers for information, recreation and culture, the use and application of digital technology is considered appropriate and necessary to support the librarian management, with use of the technology. The quality and excellence in the management of libraries is given in the services it provides to its environment, its community, hence the usufruct of the technology located in the unit of information or library as a reference in the country. Forward in order to be the protagonist in technological innovations with the growth of the knowledge of citizenship in the literacy, communication and use of the information provided by the same. Is achieved citizens gradual incursion of technology, with research work objectives in promoting the sharing of information through technology, developing databases and the creation of networks towards the improvement of the availability and access to information materials. Resulting from this process, the effect of cooperative and collaborative information units in gathering information either directly for the educational community.
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