e-Ciencias de la Información ISSN electrónico: 1659-4142

OAI: https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/eciencias/oai
Methodology for the migration of bibliographic data between automation software: from ECLAC to MARC
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library automation
data migration
textual databases
automatización de bibliotecas
migración de datos
bases de datos
bases de datos textuales

How to Cite

Saborío-Acuña, J. I., & Chinchilla-Arley, R. (2014). Methodology for the migration of bibliographic data between automation software: from ECLAC to MARC. E-Ciencias De La Información, 4(2), 1–24. https://doi.org/10.15517/eci.v4i2.15126


At present there are still many bibliographic databases designed in WinIsis on ECLAC exchange format information, however, the trend of new software management information units is the use of MARC21 format, with the drawback that both formats are incompatible with each other. This document provides guidance for migrating from ECLAC format to MARC21 format using a conversion table of fields in a FST export. It also built an intermediate database in which the converted data WinIsis emptied. Subsequently, the process of converting an output file ISO2709 to a file pure MARC, which can be loaded from any system of information management units described generation. It also describes the process of debugging the same program using the MARCEdit and an example of the final charge is made in the application of automation EspaBiblio 3.2. It is concluded that the process of migration to respond to a previously defined project and the importance of debugging to ensure the purity of the data.

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