This research was conducted in order to explore the application of bibliotherapy services in a Costa Rican public school library, positioning the librarian as a leader, supported by a team of specialists in other areas such as education, psychology, among others. It is part of the research methodology collaborative action, and aims through the application of bibliotherapy, work with children with behavioral problems at school level, seeking to improve their behavior, and promoting the culture of peace through recreational and creative activities whose main shaft is reading. The research was conducted in a Costa Rican school in which six children participated in 19 library group interventions; each intervention lasted one hour within a two-month period on September, October and November in 2015. Moreover, the research was advised by two professionals that are specialists in emotional support services. It is an important contribution for professionals in librarianship, allowing them to know, from the practical point of view, the strengths and weaknesses of providing a service of this nature, so that reach decisions with theoretical basis and through practical application. In addition, being a subject so little explored at the national level, it can explore new fields of action for the profession.
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