The development of informational skills is a subject widely worked on a global scale. Internationally, there have been initiatives in the introduction of these informational skills in different levels of education, and this report highlights results obtained in doctoral candidates. The aim of this article is to carry out a comparative analysis in international proposals for the teaching and development of informational skills in aspiring doctors. For this, the coinciding points in these projects that serve as a generalization in other educational centers are analyzed. In order to achieve this objective, a bibliographic review was carried out, which allowed identifying various practical initiatives, grouping them by country, organizational forms and general characteristics. A total of 27 documentary materials were identified with initiatives in the training of aspiring doctors in 19 countries. Of these, 9 postgraduate courses, 8 project results, 5 modules of doctoral programs, 3 library services, 1 thematic blog and 1 international event. Descriptive statistics was used to present the analysis and comparison of the data obtained through graphs and tables and the bibliometric method to examine the coincidence of attributes in four fundamental indicators: the use of the informational skills described by the ALA as the basis of your proposals; the application and development; the denomination used for each skill; and the skills applied in each institution. Among the most relevant results it could be found that informational skills for the training of doctors, start from the set of skills proposed in ALFIN by the ALA, with a greater level of depth and practice. The analyzes carried out show that information skills are among the most important skills that a doctor must master at the end of his doctoral training and during his life as a researcher.References
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