e-Ciencias de la Información ISSN electrónico: 1659-4142

OAI: https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/eciencias/oai
Access to information in Angola's archives: fund of the old industrial and commercial school Artur de Paiva (1939-1975)
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Sá da Bandeira District
Access to Information
School Files Fund
Industrial and Commercial School Artur de Paiva
Distrito de Sá da Bandeira
Acesso à Informação
Fundo de arquivos escolares
Escola Industrial e Comercial Artur de Paiva

How to Cite

Simão, S. G. (2020). Access to information in Angola’s archives: fund of the old industrial and commercial school Artur de Paiva (1939-1975). E-Ciencias De La Información, 10(2). https://doi.org/10.15517/eci.v10i2.37108


The tes whose approach focuses on “Access to information in Angola's archives: fund of the old Industrial and Commercial School Artur de Paiva”, limited in chronological terms between 1939 and 1975. It is interesting to study the access to information from this fund by following reasons: On the one hand, the school being one of the oldest in the Southern Region of Angola, and on the other hand, due to the high number of documents of historical and investigative value accumulated over these years by the institution. Hence, the need to analyze the current state of access to information in the archives of Angola and the existing legislation on it, facing the education sector, became the main objective of the essay. It will be done through a case study, documentary and bibliographic, analyzing the phenomenon in isolation to better understand the real situation of access to information in the institution. The combination of several methodological elements, will allow to perceive the same object from different perspectives. Effectively, national and international laws that deal with access to information, protection of personal data, among others, will also be presented. Finally, it will be possible to propose a model for accessing information from the school's historical fund.

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