e-Ciencias de la Información ISSN electrónico: 1659-4142

OAI: https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/eciencias/oai
Approach to Domain-analysis from Library and Information Science research
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Information science
Research project
Information science theories
Análisis de dominio
Ciencia de la Información
Proyectos de investigación
Teorías en la Ciencia de la Información

How to Cite

Arminda Damus, M., & Noemí Acuña, G. (2019). Approach to Domain-analysis from Library and Information Science research. E-Ciencias De La Información, 9(2). https://doi.org/10.15517/eci.v9i2.37497


This article aims to present a theoretical framework that emerged in the last decades on the Information Science sphere: Domain-analysis --also referred as Domain-analytic theory--, which comprises one of the epistemic basis implemented as part of the development of a research project conceived on the Department of Library Science of the Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Using theoretical review as methodology, the foundations that originated the proposal will be addressed, as well as the latent and emerging antecedents in inquiries and work prior to the formulation of its main exponent, Birger Hjørland. On the other hand, the semantic scope of the expression will be analyzed, in addition to the theoretical possibilities that Domain-analysis has towards the expansion and strengthening of metatheory in library science research, as well as the methodological approaches and practical matters, both issues described by its creator. It is concluded that Domain-analysis allows recognizing relevant concepts of a domain within Information Science, its hierarchical relationships and semantic links with other fields, while allowing the development of new research lines and deepen various theoretical aspects of Library and Information Science.

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