e-Ciencias de la Información ISSN electrónico: 1659-4142

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Educational materials to teach to summarize and classify in Library Science
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Educational materials
Teaching of Library Science
Costa Rica
Dewey Decimal Classification System
Material didáctico
Enseñanza de la Bibliotecología
Costa Rica
Construcción de resúmenes
Clasificación Decimal Dewey

How to Cite

Calvo Guillén, G. C. (2020). Educational materials to teach to summarize and classify in Library Science. E-Ciencias De La Información, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.15517/eci.v10i1.38866


Article that seeks to identify the perception of library science students, regarding the usefulness of the application of teaching materials in the elaboration of summaries and classification documentaries. The lack of generation of teaching material for the practical teaching of library science is evident. To achieve the goal, a descriptive investigation with quantitative approach is carried out, in which a questionnaire was applied to 24 students of the School of Library and Information Sciences of the University of Costa Rica, enrolled in the Indexing and Classification courses during the year 2018. The results show that the teaching materials were perceived as useful by the students, the structure for abstracts facilitated its preparation to 70,8% of the students; however, they recommend that a more flexible structure be provided to adapt it to different types of documents and summaries. In addition, the application of the “Junior Color Code” provided 91,7% of students with an understanding of the document classification process. The application of the table structure facilitated the application of the document classification process to 87,5% of the students. It is recommended to use the teaching resources to summarize and classify only at the beginning of the process, while the practical bases are acquired.

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