Choosing a university career is a complex decision that impacts the professional, personal and future development of every individual. To support this process, universities offer grants to students who are finishing their secondary studies and who are in a transition to higher education, by organizing vocational fairs. This article narrates the experience of dissemination of the careers offered by the School of Library and Information Sciences of the University of Costa Rica within the framework of the 2019 Vocational Fair. It explains how the dissemination strategies were designed and implemented by creating of different experiential activities on the daily tasks of the professional person in library science, the generation of graphic and audiovisual material on the career and the preparation of resources to support the exposed discourse. Likewise, the strategies and resources used are evaluated both with the collaborating staff and with the student community that visited the event. Finally, it is concluded that the experiential activities are received by the participants with greater consent and that it allows them to have a more real vision of the career, in addition, it is recommended to use this type of resources for future vocational fairs.
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