e-Ciencias de la Información ISSN electrónico: 1659-4142

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Digital Inclusion as a contributory alternative to active aging
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Active aging
Digital inclusion
Information technologies
Envejecimiento activo
Inclusión digital
Tecnologías de la información

How to Cite

Vega, O. A., Arroyave-Zambrano, P. M., Ocampo-Arias, J., & Sánchez-Velásquez, S. P. (2020). Digital Inclusion as a contributory alternative to active aging. E-Ciencias De La Información, 10(2). https://doi.org/10.15517/eci.v10i2.39522


Introduction: In the current world two phenomena are happening (incremental of the elderly population and growing and massive adult implementation of ICTs in society), although they are supposed to move in parallel, they are interact more and more, to the point of integration. Objective: To address digital inclusion as an alternative contributor to the active aging process. Proposition: Digital inclusion is an option that contributes to active aging by providing alternatives for the incorporation of the elderly into the information and knowledge society(s). Arguments for discussion: Aging, even though it is a biological process, it does not imply that the process should be assumed as a cause of a situation of disability or a loss of human condition. Instead, it is an environment with new demands, relationships and interests, where ICTs can contribute to have a better life quality, if specific aspects are considered in the processes of digital inclusion. As a contribution, recommendations are made for e-inclusion initiatives with elderly residents of geriatric homes. Final thoughts: Digital inclusion is becoming a relevant strategy to promote active aging process, within a framework of equity and respect for diversity.

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