e-Ciencias de la Información ISSN electrónico: 1659-4142

OAI: https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/eciencias/oai
Documentary description as a means of access to institutional memory: experience using the ICA AtoM software at the University Foundation for Human Development -UNINPAHU- Bogotá, Colombia
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Documentary description
Open source software
International standards of description
Historical memory
Descripción documental
Software libre
Normas de descripción archivística
Memoria histórica

How to Cite

Parra Mora, G. M., & Serna González, H. P. (2020). Documentary description as a means of access to institutional memory: experience using the ICA AtoM software at the University Foundation for Human Development -UNINPAHU- Bogotá, Colombia. E-Ciencias De La Información, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.15517/eci.v10i1.39774


This article presents the methodology and results of the research carried out about the adaptation and implementation of a software with an open source for the documentary description according to the international standards of description in the University Foundation-UNINPAHU. The research was motivated by compliance of the archival regulations that oblige the entities to make the description of the documents for a better to the access to information; therefore, the scope of this study was to describe the institutional administrative acts, in this case a sample of the simple documentary series, rectoral resolutions. The research was applied and exploratory, since theories, norms, and technological tools were used for the documentary description, in order to contribute with an information system that allows the administrative level to describe and control its documentary production, since academic level strengthen the archival practice of their students. Finally, it is concluded that the implemented information system allowed the registration of metadata of the regulations and their recovery by the different points of access, which benefits the institution by having a system that allows it to conserve and access to institutional memory. The result was the implementation and personalization of the ICA-AtoM information system in administrative and academic environments for the university -UNINPAHU.

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