Introduction. An element of e-health that has gained great relevance is the Electronic Medical Record (ECE) since it is a means to achieve better results in medical practice. At the moment, few investigations have focused on analyzing and identifying the situation of this strategy in the world. Therefore, the objective of this research is to analyze the current panorama of ECE in various countries considering the advantages, disadvantages, challenges and success factors in its implementation. Methodology. A review of the existing literature on ECE was carried out in specialized databases. To obtain these studies, the scopus and sciencedirect databases were used, using search words such as "electronic health record", "electronic medical record" or "electronic medical record"; Only those studies with a high impact factor were selected, which refers to the number of times the articles consulted have been cited. 64 academic studies were selected and analyzed. Results. It was found that there are still important challenges and disadvantages in the implementation of ECE such as semantic interoperability and the work stress that this system generates in users. Conclusions. There are important issues that remain to be resolved in the effective implementation of the ECE. It is necessary to integrate all those involved in the change process as well as to establish the necessary security measures to guarantee the privacy of the information.
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