e-Ciencias de la Información ISSN electrónico: 1659-4142

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H-Index of Paraguayan researchers in the disciplines of medicine, biochemistry and biology, 2019-2020
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Scientific production
bibliometric indicators
h index
producción científica
indicador bibliométrico
índice h

How to Cite

Gómez Rojas, M., & Samudio, M. (2022). H-Index of Paraguayan researchers in the disciplines of medicine, biochemistry and biology, 2019-2020. E-Ciencias De La Información, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.15517/eci.v12i2.48962


Several bibliometric indicators have been proposed to evaluate the performance of researchers worldwide, one of them is the h index that takes into account both the number of publications and citations, and ranks researchers according to a scale proposed by Jorge Hirsch in successful researcher (h=20), excellent scientists (h=40) and as a singular individual (h=60). The objective of the study was to evaluate the performance of Paraguayan researchers from the disciplines of medicine, biochemistry and biology through the Hirsch h-Index comparing Google Scholar and Scopus. All Paraguayan researchers from the aforementioned areas whose data were available in Google Scholar and/or Scopus were included. It is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. For the initial identification of the researchers, the cvpy available on the CONACYT, Paraguay website was used, and the Publish or Perish software was used. 158 researchers were identified, eight of them are positioned on the Hirsch scale. 13% of researchers had an h index equal to or greater than 10 in Google Scholar and Scopus, with the highest value corresponding to the area of ​​medicine, 54 in Google Scholar and 47 in Scopus. Researchers mostly publish in low-impact national journals with few citations. The performance of the researchers by the h-index is below the region. There is a need for greater investment in national scientific journals for their indexing in databases that collect journals with higher impact.

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