The purpose of this article is to present the didactic methodology used for the creation of author’s authority catalogs in the cataloging courses of the School of Librarianship and Information Sciences of the University of Costa Rica. The main didactic materials created for the courses are shown, as well as the importance of using the ludic methodology. The foregoing was developed to teach the creation of access points for individuals, families and corporate entities applying the RDA, in addition to the creation of authority catalogs as a means of standardizing these access points. The methodology used was based on quantitative research of descriptive scope in which an online questionnaire was carried out in order to analyze the perception of the students of the BI-2003 Cataloging II course, regarding the use of didactic tools for the preparation of author’s authority catalogs and ludic methodology as a learning method. As part of the conclusions, it was established that one of the main findings of this research is that the didactic tools created for the elaboration of authority catalogs, as well as the ludic strategy, favor the understanding and application of practical exercises, in which they have the possibility of working with current regulations.
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