e-Ciencias de la Información ISSN electrónico: 1659-4142

OAI: https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/eciencias/oai
Academic Library 2.0: a Mexican innovation
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Library 2.0
Academic Library
Information and Communication Technologies
Biblioteca 2.0
bibliotecas académicas
tecnologías de la información y la comunicación

How to Cite

Herrera Delgado, L. B. (2011). Academic Library 2.0: a Mexican innovation. E-Ciencias De La Información, 1(2), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.15517/eci.v1i2.543


The Library 2.0 (L2) has been object of attention and spread, it has been debated constantly in themedia, mainly electronics with the non-formal help of the librarian bloggers “bibliobloggers”. Thecurrent work thinks about L2 and it’s innovation since the academic scope and Mexican context.This  practice  shown  us  in  one  hand,  its  character  in  the  information  and  communicationtechnologies  (ICT),  and  in  the  other  question  its  role  at  the  Information  Units.  Joining  theproposals which bring on L2, studying the different kind of innovation which we have, and finallywe settle our opinion according to the Mexican context; that is what you gotta the conception ofMexican Academic Libraries 2.0.
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