The purpose of this study was to perform a bibliometric analysis of the trend of scientific production on the incidence of Mastery Motivational Climate in the learning and performance environments in humans, in order to establish the thematic evolution of the scientific production in this area. Regarding the methodology, the scientific production analyzed was extracted from the Web of Science for the period 2000-2022. For this analysis, the web interface for bibliometrix was used through the application of the R Studio biblioshiny package. Among the main results, it was found that since 2014 there has been an increase in the trend of publications of articles in this subject, with the United States being the most influential country in this field. The main sources of publications are concentrated in five journals, all with high capacity to disseminate information. The authors found to have the most publication, the most influential and the most cited have a high professional trajectory. With respect to keywords, the use of a fragmented taxonomy was found. In terms of the results on networks and collaboration maps, clusters were identified worldwide. It is concluded from the analysis carried out, pioneer in its area, that it is a topic of moderate growth, which is used, applied, and researched in different regions of the world and denotes multidisciplinary features. This research contributes to new topics of interest and decision making in future research in this area.
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