This study was conducted with the aim of examining how new technologies, specifically artificial intelligence and automation, influence and transform global leadership in digitized business environments. Utilizing a qualitative approach and theoretical analysis, the interaction between resistance to change, digital transformation, and global leadership was explored, applying theoretical frameworks such as Everett Rogers' Innovation Adoption Model, Kurt Lewin's Organizational Change Theory, and Bernard Bass' Transformational Leadership Model. The study's findings emphasize that artificial intelligence and automation not only enhance efficiency and precision in business processes but also amplify and transform the skills and capabilities of leaders, fostering leadership that can effectively navigate through the challenges of a globalized and highly technological market. However, significant challenges such as potential job losses and the pressing need to develop new digital skills are also highlighted. In conclusion, it is essential for leaders to not only understand and adapt to these technological changes but also to promote emotional intelligence and consider the ethical aspects of technology to successfully guide their organizations in the era of automation and artificial intelligence.
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