e-Ciencias de la Información ISSN electrónico: 1659-4142

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La actividad científica estudiantil de la Universidad de Moa, Cuba: análisis bibliométrico en la revista Ciencia & Futuro (2016-2021)
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actividad científica
indicadores bibliométricos
evaluación de centros educativos
producción científica
scholar activity
bibliometric indicators
teaching centers evaluation
scientific production

How to Cite

Suárez Fernández, D., Bauta Leyva, L. ., & Aldana Aldana, Y. . (2024). La actividad científica estudiantil de la Universidad de Moa, Cuba: análisis bibliométrico en la revista Ciencia & Futuro (2016-2021). E-Ciencias De La Información, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.15517/eci.v14i1.55964


In Cuba, scientific research and publication are part of the undergraduate professional training. The University of Moa lacks a study that offers a perspective of student scientific activity based on the behavior of this scientific production. The purpose of this work is to characterize the behavior of student scientific activity at this University based on the bibliometric analysis of its scientific production in the Ciencia & Futuro journal during the period 2016-2021. For the development of the research, theoretical and empirical methods were used in a combined way, the consultation of specialists, the unstructured interview with the person in charge of the journal and the interview with key informants to locate the context in which the activity and scientific production take place. institutional student. The results obtained from the search were normalized and imported into the EndNote X7 for further processing and analysis. Bibliometric indicators were defined to characterize the behavior of the student scientific production of the University in said source, such as productivity by years, productivity by authors, scientific productivity by career and lines of research, scientific productivity by faculties. A total of 118 publications were registered. The year 2016 is more productive, and the least productive is 2021. The most productive career was Mechanical Engineering with 32 publications, which represents 27% of the total. The Faculty of Geology and Mines stands out in the number of publications. The results show favorable and unfavorable elements of student scientific activity. The results show favorable elements such as the follow-up to the publication of scientific results by some specialties and the recognition of those students with satisfactory scientific activity. Unfavorable issues include the need for greater monitoring of the publication of student scientific results and the lack of multidisciplinary research groups. As conclusions, considerations are offered in order to optimize the institutional management of student scientific activity based on these results. 

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