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Bibliometric analysis on circular economy in food supply chains, 2014-2022
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Circular economy
food supplies chain
food consumption and waste
economía circular
cadena de suministros alimentaria
consumo y desperdicio de alimentos
economia circular
suprimentos alimentares
consumo e cadeia de resíduos de alimentos

How to Cite

Miranda Gómez, O., & López Moreno, I. (2024). Bibliometric analysis on circular economy in food supply chains, 2014-2022. E-Ciencias De La Información, 14(2). https://doi.org/10.15517/eci.v14i2.60999


Introduction: Currently, studies on circular economy and food supply chains have gained importance in academia, offering valuable trends and pending areas of study. The objective is to analyze the scientific production associated with the circular economy in food supply chains through bibliometric analysis tools. Methodology: Using the R program and the Bibliometrix library, a bibliometric analysis was carried out integrating data from Scopus and Web of Science repositories, eliminating duplicates. This process made it possible to obtain data on scientific production by country, journal and author, scientific mapping, productivity indicators and collaboration network analysis. Results: based on 895 papers from 2014 to 2022, it was found that scientific production is concentrated in Italy, India and the United Kingdom, although publications from the United States have the highest impact. Research networks showed interconnectedness, with well-defined clusters, such as the India research group. Conclusions: there is a growing interest in circular economy and food supply chains. A trend towards topics such as blockchain and industry 4.0 is highlighted. In addition, it is expected that the methodology can be replicable for future research and specific topics, offering a comprehensive view of the scientific production in this field and pointing out areas of focus and collaboration.

PDF (Español (España))


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