Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

No Distance Distance The oxymoron as a meeting place of the human. A look at the form of distance education from teaching not parametral
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educación a distancia
enseñanza no tradicional
distance education
nontraditional education

How to Cite

Gómez Londoño, C. A., & Cárdenas Messa, G. A. (2016). No Distance Distance The oxymoron as a meeting place of the human. A look at the form of distance education from teaching not parametral. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 40(2), 73–83.


Educational research is a scenario of enunciation. It is fundamentally an exercise of language that allows us to stage a theoretical and reflective proposal about a topic, in this case, distance-education model at Unidad Central del Valle (UCEVA), seen from the perspective of non-parametric didactics. The proposal is based on the approach of the professors in the academic program of Bachelor Degree in Basic Education with Emphasis on Social Science to the didactic exercise, in the distance-education model. Perform a characterization of their educational practice from their perspectives, regarding the teaching/learning process itself, specifically, from the perspectives of the implications that the distance-education model has about students and professors’ interpersonal relationships, their mediations that let them to approach each other or bring them rupturing scenarios of human interactions in the didactic process. A structured-dialogue methodology was used, based on instruments as focus group, interview and meta-narrative analysis of the results. It was found as results that current practices in this educational model do not privilege the human formation, or the teacher-student interaction further than pedagogical transmissionism.
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