Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Discovery of the dominant learning style of students in the career of Technology in Systems Analysis
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Descubrimiento del estilo de aprendizaje dominante de estudiantes de la carrera de tecnología en análisis de sistemas (Español (España))


Academic staff
clustering analysis
learning styles
Análisis de agrupamiento
personal académico
estilos de aprendizaje

How to Cite

Camana Fiallos, R. G., & Torres Carrera, R. A. (2018). Discovery of the dominant learning style of students in the career of Technology in Systems Analysis. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 42(2), 306–317.


The objective of the present investigation was to discover the dominant learning styles of students from the first to the fourth level of the Systems Analysis Technology career, academic semester October 2015 - March 2016, with the purpose of improving their teaching process. To carry out this study, the following processes were considered: Elaboration of the state of the art around learning styles to know the different methodologies and results. The model used is the one proposed by Felder-Silverman, because this instrument is based on quality, reliability and validity, to discover the dominant learning style. For this study, the analysis process was applied, with its stages: Selection of statistical software, exploration and analysis of data and preparation of results, with the objective of identifying homogeneous groups of a group of students that were surveyed, the descriptive technique is used , through a clustering analysis. Free and open source software, Weka, was used because it allows implementing a variety of algorithms. The dominant learning style of students in the Career of Technology in Systems Analysis was: visual (VIS) - intuitive (INT) - active (ACT) and sequential (SEC).
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