Resilience as a social construct raises a confused and diverse conceptual panorama that includes its visualization as an individual quality, as a collective feature, or as a dynamic process, among others, with the common denominator of the adaptation that is generated in the face of a challenging situation. In the historical exploration of the origins of this concept, it is evident how the social sciences have tended to attribute the greater part of the responsibility of the adaptive process, to the individual in itself more than to the relations that this establishes with the multiplicity of events and factors that are experienced throughout life. The present essay analyzes this situation and proposes the consideration of resilience as a coevolutionary and dynamic process of learning, not only of the individual but also of the environment with which it is in close coevolution. We conclude by highlighting the importance of considering current neuroscientific evidence to analyze resilience as part of a neurobiological and coevolutionary process that allows diversity, the survival of the species and the exploration and understanding of the mutual affectation between organisms and their environments.
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