Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Factores de motivación de logro: el compromiso y entrega en el aprendizaje, la competencia motriz percibida, la ansiedad ante el error y situaciones de estrés en estudiantes de cuarto, quinto y sexto nivel escolar durante la clase de educación física
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How to Cite

Márquez Barquero, M. S., Azofeifa Mora, C. A., & Rodríguez Méndez, D. A. (2018). Factores de motivación de logro: el compromiso y entrega en el aprendizaje, la competencia motriz percibida, la ansiedad ante el error y situaciones de estrés en estudiantes de cuarto, quinto y sexto nivel escolar durante la clase de educación física. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 43(1), 61–72.


Objective: to determine the factors associated to the motivation of achievement (ML) commitment and delivery in learning (CEA), perceived motor competence (CMP) and anxiety before the error (AE) during the Physical Education classes in the students that attends the II cycle of Basic General Education. Methodology: The AMPET questionnaire was applied to a total of 323 schoolchildren. The descriptive analysis of averages and standard deviations, ANOVA 2x3 parametric analysis (2 sexes and 3 school levels), for independent and post hoc groups of Tukey was applied. The level of significance established was p <.05. Results: differences were found in the CEA factor according to the level (p = .000). The lower the academic grade, the higher the score; the fourth-level students reflects a higher CEA than the fifth and sixth grades. The CMP factor according to the level, showed that the higher the academic level the score decreases (p = .000), and it was the fourth level student who showed a higher score compared to the other levels. The AE factor and stress situations showed higher scores in women (p = .007) in relation to men. Conclusion: Factors such as CEA, CMP and AE, related to the ML in the PE classes, play a motivational role. The low perceptions of the CMP observed, are a sign of demotivation and insufficient participation in the activities of the class, threaten with a diminution in real motor competition and in the AE factor according to sex. The analysis must be focused on positive reinforcement to reduce the levels of stress and anxiety that are generated due to and during PE class, focusing attention on women, since it was observed that they presented the negative scores.
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