Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Collection, Use and Storage of Sensitive Biometric Data for Athletes: Inputs for Physical Education Majors
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Moncada Jiménez, J., Salicetti Fonseca, A., Carazo Vargas, P., & Morera Siércovich, P. L. (2020). Collection, Use and Storage of Sensitive Biometric Data for Athletes: Inputs for Physical Education Majors. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 45(1), 607–618.


Recent technological advances, such as storage capacity and computational algorithms, allow a large quantity of biometric variables associated with sports performance to be collected. This study addresses the relevance of wearable or portable technology in sports and its association to international and local laws that regulate the recollection, use and storage of sensitive biometric data from professional athletes, analyzed, specifically, within the context of Costa Rican professional soccer players. As opposed to international regulations, Costa Rica lacks specific laws regulating sports biometrics. Interdisciplinary educational programs for sports analytics are also required to provide insight into this topic, so relevant to Physical Education majors, today.
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