Education and schooling must constantly adjust to the political, social and economic change of global contexts. Government initiatives worldwide to promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) courses has posed a challenge for educators, since integrating STEM at all educational levels is strongly linked to educational innovation and teaching strategies. The objective of this study is to contribute to this field though a systematic bibliographical review of scientific publications from 2013-2019 related to the following variables: a) Didactic Strategies, b) Technology Tools, c) Teaching Practices d) STEM and e) Educational innovation, within a framework of Higher Secondary Education and Higher Education. Mapping is based on four stages and the inclusion criteria used for the search included the following databases: Scopus, Scielo, Google Academic, Redalyc, the Cambridge Collection and Springer. Selection of the appropriate search provided a result of 96 articles. Among the most significant findings was the larger prevalence of articles about Didactic Strategies, Technology Tools and Educational Innovation in Latin America than the English-speaking countries which had more articles regarding STEM teaching practices.
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