Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Una revisión teórica sobre el estrés y algunos aspectos relevantes de éste en el ámbito educativo
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How to Cite

Naranjo Pereira, M. L. (2009). Una revisión teórica sobre el estrés y algunos aspectos relevantes de éste en el ámbito educativo. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 33(2), 171–190.


This article aims to discuss the contributions on the topic of stress presented by several theorists and approaches: physiologists, psychosocial, cognitive and integrators. The differences between distress and eustress are analyzed and the importance to achieve an optimum level of stress. Phases that characterize it are analyzed: alarm, resistance and depletion and its relationship with anxiety and depression. In addition, different responses of the person to stress are explored: physical, psychosomatic, cognitive, emotional and behavioral. Some of the main generating causes of the stress are discussed: external situations such as those produced by the own personality characteristics and the particular forms to address situations of daily living. Important aspects that help prevention from it are reviewed, such as attitudes, exercise, the type of food, employment of leisure and personal planning, as well as those that allow facing it better, among this relaxation, meditation and the central role of the cognitions. Finally, relationship between of stress and education is reviewed, emphasizing the main generating sources of it in the student population and its effects in personal life and in academic performance.
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Referencias extraídas

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