Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Innovation in Higher Education and its Challenges from COVID-19
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Educational Innovation
Higher Education
Innovación educativa
Educación superior

How to Cite

Arriaga Cárdenas, O. G., & Lara Magaña, P. del C. . (2023). Innovation in Higher Education and its Challenges from COVID-19 . Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 47(1), 460–474.


Since the appearance of the SARS-COVID-19 virus, higher education has undergone significant changes in academic innovation, which is reflected in how knowledge is transmitted and acquired. The aforementioned made it controversial how the students implement new conditions for learning; in addition, it leads to the appearance of new challenges in academic training, which has generated uncertainty about the possible scholastic lag that most students at all levels may experience. To carry out this study, the researchers used the qualitative documentary method, which is the result of a bibliographic review of expert authors in the field at the national and international level, with an exhaustive, descriptive, evaluative review and with the review of clinical cases. Through all of the above, the investigators sought to identify the main components of educational innovation and the new challenges that accompany it since the health emergency that emerged in 2020. Among the findings, resistance to change can be identified as one of the main concerns faced by teaching staff and students in this new way of innovating in education. Secondly, the research demonstrated the challenges of how knowledge will be transmitted, as well as the importance of universities in this teaching-learning process through adequate training and the use of learning technologies and internal communication in the institution.
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