Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Virtual to Hybrid Classes Transition in the Biology Major: Analysis of Motivation, Learning Strategies, and Interaction
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Blended Learning
Learning Strategies
Teacher Student Relationship
Aprendizaje semipresencial
Estrategias educativas
Relación profesor-alumno

How to Cite

Maqueda Sánchez, N., Cruz González, J. L. ., Ruiz Carrillo, E., & Meraz Martínez, J. S. . (2023). Virtual to Hybrid Classes Transition in the Biology Major: Analysis of Motivation, Learning Strategies, and Interaction. Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 47(2), 1–29.


Although virtual and hybrid learning models are considered advantageous due to the resources they provide to professors and students, their sequential application has not yet been discussed. Therefore, this article not only seeks to analyze the relationships between the variables motivation, learning strategies, and perception of the interaction between teachers and students but also describes the changes when moving from the virtual to the hybrid modality during the aftermath of the pandemic. Regarding the approach, the researchers used a mixed method through the design of a sequential explanatory strategy (Creswell, 2008) with observations in the first and last unit of the physical chemistry subject, corresponding to the second semester of the Biology major, and with a correlational descriptive scope. The participants were 65 biology students who were administered the Teacher-Student Interaction Inventory (IIP-A;T-SII) and the Motivational Questionnaire and Learning Strategies - Short Form (CMEA-FC; MSLQ-SF); in addition, a focal interview was applied to both groups and a semi-structured interview to each educator. The results demonstrate that after switching from virtual to hybrid teaching, task motivation increased and both intrinsic motivation and learning strategies decreased. Therefore, the authors conclude that the students adapted to the teaching-learning conditions by altering their way of motivating themselves and learning in the company of educators, since in hybrid classes the use of personal resources decreased as learning was less self-managed than in virtual classes. Moreover, it is recommended that future research develop programs focused on teaching students the use of learning strategies according to the educational modality in which they are. Likewise, it is suggested to create spaces for reflection in which students and professors can give an account of their experience and thus generate new lines of research focused on the post-pandemic educational repercussions at the higher education level.
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