Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

The Physical and Social Self-Image of Two Groups of Ninth-Year Students of Basic General Education
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Physical Self-Image
Social Self-Image
Peer Group
Educational Orientation
Autoimagen física
Autoimagen social
Grupo de pares
Orientación educativa

How to Cite

Valenciano Canet, G. (2023). The Physical and Social Self-Image of Two Groups of Ninth-Year Students of Basic General Education . Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 47(2), 1–30.


The objective of this research consisted of analyzing the perception of the physical and social self-image of two groups of ninth graders, one from a public school and the second from a private one, both from the province of San José. For this purpose, the author employed a positivist paradigm with a quantitative methodology and a descriptive scope. Since this study sought to measure physical and social self-image, the researcher designed a questionnaire for data collection and applied it to the student population during a group orientation session. Regarding the results, the author analyzed them descriptively considering frequencies and percentages. The study variables correspond to the physical and social self-image of the adolescent. Moreover, a relevant finding, in terms the main results referred to physical self-image, is that a high percentage of the students of both educational institutions stated that they were satisfied with their physical appearance. However, in relation to social self-image, a significant percentage of the population pointed out peer teasing as an unfavorable factor, generating consequences in social self-image, caused by negative comments and insults, which can be related to conflicts, problems in interpersonal relationships, and types of bullying.
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