Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Inclusion of Prevention and Handle of Cybercrime in Police Education Training
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Crime Prevention
Police Education
Delito informático
Prevención del crimen
Educación policial

How to Cite

Avila Niño, F. Y., & Rincón Núñez, P. M. (2023). Inclusion of Prevention and Handle of Cybercrime in Police Education Training . Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 47(2), 1–28.


The objective of the research consisted of developing a strategy through which aspiring police officers of the Rafael Reyes Police School could acquire knowledge and adopt practices to prevent cybercrime, specifically, phishing, vishing, smishing, impersonation, and scamming. This strategy aimed to strengthen the police service by ensuring that students acquire basic competencies in this field and are familiar with the procedures to follow in the event of being a victim or assisting affected individuals. The research employed a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative and quantitative elements. Initially, the researchers surveyed 220 students enrolled in the professional police service technician program to identify the most common cybercrimes that have affected the academic community. Additionally, by using the Virtual CAI (Cyber Incidents) service, the investigators identified the most reported crimes in the country during 2022. Moreover, statistical records of criminal activities registered in the Statistical Criminal and Contraventional Information System of the National Police of Colombia (SIEDCO) were also consulted, focusing on the five most frequently reported modalities. Finally, the authors sought to develop competencies in aspiring police officers to address cybercrimes by designing a mobile application that provides information on these felonies, protective measures, online tools, and instructions to file an official complaint. This case study highlighted the need for educational institutions, especially police training institutions, to prioritize cybersecurity and include topics of prevention and digital safety in their curriculum.
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