Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Research Pertaining the Linguistic Policy, the Index of Graduation Rate and the Learning Losses During the Pandemic COVID-19 at the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico
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Política lingüística
Índice de titulación
Lenguaje académico
Educación superior
Linguistic Policy
Index of the Graduation Rate
Academic Language
Higher Education

How to Cite

Nava Gómez, G. N., & Alemán Martínez, R. M. . (2023). Research Pertaining the Linguistic Policy, the Index of Graduation Rate and the Learning Losses During the Pandemic COVID-19 at the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico . Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 47(2), 1–28.


This paper addresses the linguistic policy and its relationship with the index of graduation rate and the learning losses during the pandemic of COVID-19 (2019-2021) at the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEMÉX). Regarding the main objective, it consists of analyzing the index of graduation rate and the college students’ linguistic education. Moreover, the researchers used a method of comparative and descriptive analysis as well as a comparative review of institutional databases. The scope of the study is descriptive and exploratory. Among the main results, the following stood out: a) the variety of current undergraduate graduation types has not impacted favorably the index of undergraduate graduation rate at the UAEMÉX; b) there is a null correlation between the percentage of exit undergraduate rate and the index of undergraduate graduation rate at the UAEMÉX throughout cohort; c) besides the high cost of graduation, the low level of academic language development along with the impact of the pandemic of COVID-19, stressed the low index of undergraduate graduation rate at the UAEMÉX, during the period of confinement (2019-2021). Therefore, the authors highly recommend reviewing the curricula to identify how the language policy is implemented within each of the professional training areas offered by the UAEMÉX.
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