Revista Educación - Journal of Education ISSN Impreso: 0379-7082 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2644

Didactic Use of Technology in Teaching Practice in STEM Areas
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enseñanza superior
Estrategias educativas
Estrategia didáctica
Herramientas tecnológicas
Práctica docente
Recursos educacionales
Recursos digitales
University Teaching
Educational Strategies
Didactic Strategy
echnological Tools
Teaching Practice
Educational Resources
Digital Resources

How to Cite

González Arreola, M. R., & Fernández Morales, K. . (2024). Didactic Use of Technology in Teaching Practice in STEM Areas . Revista Educación - Journal of Education, 48(1), 1–28.


According to The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2019), to use traditional classes within the classroom, instead of innovative and active teaching methodologies that develop in university students the skills required for the labor field, consists of a strong tendency in Mexico. Therefore, the authors of this article decided to investigate if teachers at the Autonomous University of Baja California, Ensenada Campus, use technology, what teaching strategies they implement, and how they use technological tools and digital resources in the classes they teach. Thus, this article seeks to analyze the didactic use of technology in the teaching practice of teachers in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) in higher education. Based on the Interpretative paradigm, this research was carried out from the qualitative approach, being a type of multiple case study since the four teachers who participated were from different areas. The information was collected with the support of a Semi-structured Interview Script and the Non-participant Observation Record, which was used in six classes that were observed. The investigators analyzed the data with the help of the Atlas.ti 2023 Software, from which 111 codes of nine categories and four pre-established subcategories were obtained. Finally, the results are presented in a descriptive matrix, that is, a table that allows to have a global vision of each one of the cases. Likewise, the authors discovered that teachers say they carry out 28 teaching strategies with the support of technology, among which the use of virtual laboratories and the use of software to carry out tasks, exercises, and exams, stand out. Therefore, the researchers consider it pertinent that, for future research, the student should also be investigated and seek whether or not there is an obligation regarding the use of technological tools and digital resources, as well as knowing from the point of view of managers and what teaching practice should be like.
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